Chris and John in South Carolina

Monday, April 23, 2012

Paris Day 4

Day 4 Sunday August 29th

Old Favorites

Sunday was a day to revisit some favorite spots from our last trip back in 2003.  After breakfast we walked through the Jardin des Tuileries, the large formal gardens adjacent to the Louvre.  On the way, we happened to catch some Parisian crows trying to get their breakfast by breaking and entering into one of the city’s plastic trash bags.  Crafty little buggers. 

En Francais, they say 'Caux, Caux!'

Une jeune fille in courtyard of Louvre

Above and next several below, various Louvre shots

It was Spring when Katie, Jane and I visited the Tuileries in '03, and we bemoaned the fact that the gardens were not in bloom.  So in honor of Katie, I took pictures so she could see how pretty they are when in full bloom.  It made me miss my pretty girl!

The Tuileries are simply awash with statuary from several different centuries.

This is one of my favorite pictures.  I love the sky behind the statue.

We then went to the Musee d’Orsey where we revisited the stunningly beautiful Art Nouveau decorative arts section (for Chris) and the impressive impressionist art section (for Jane).  Again, alas, we could take no pictures at the Musee.  : - [   

We enjoyed lunch in the Musee’s beautiful dining room and afterward headed back to our room for a short sieste.

Feeling refreshed, we headed to St-Michel where we had our first chocolate crepe of this trip followed shortly by a glass of wine. (Isn't chocolate always followed by wine?)

Eiffel from Place du la Concorde

Seine from Place du la Concorde

Une Jeune Fille et ami

More gorgeous architecture

Jane et la vin - enfin!

After dinner it was dark when we walked back to the hotel, and our timing was perfect for catching the Eiffel Tower doing it’s on-the-hour flash dance.  It really is beautiful to see, and most people on the Pont Neuf stopped, as we did, to enjoy the display.  The pictures really don't do it justice.

American vs French hand-held devices

The French are as often seen with the ubiquitous cigarette in hand as Americans are seen with the ubiquitous cell phone/ipod/blackberry/etc in hand.

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